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Angel L. Ivanov has a Master’s degree in Human Rights from the University of Essex and strong academic and practical skills on human rights instruments and mechanisms, specifically the ones designed for minorities. Mr. Ivanov is a passionate human rights practitioner, experienced in advocacy for human rights, particularly for minority rights. He possess strong communication, human rights research and report writing, office and budget administration, project and grant coordinating and monitoring, database and event organising, fundraising and IT skills.
The freelancer could interpret and translate in the abovementioned languages in any language combination possible. Since 2003, he has been doing interpreting and translations in the aforementioned languages on various occasions for different institutions and in different countries across Europe. The freelancer also possesses a Bachelor's degree in Education and Roma and Bulgarian languages from the University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. He has extensive knowledge on minority rights, specifically Roma rights, including knowledge on Roma, Bulgarian and to some extent Balkan cultural, historical, political and social contexts. Furthermore, he has very good adaptation skills to different cultures and ethnicities, especially to cultures originating from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), considering he origins from the region.
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Angel L. Ivanov, CEO; 

Phone: +44 (0) 750 566 739


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